
Mount Kilimanjaro

9 Days


Mount Kilimanjaro is like a giant mountain in Africa, the tallest one there! It’s super famous because it’s really tall, even taller than 600 school buses stacked on top of each other! People from all over the world love to climb it because it’s like going on an amazing adventure.

Imagine a mountain that’s so big it has three different parts on top, like three big hats! These parts are called Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. And guess what? Sometimes it even has snow on top, like a giant ice cream cone!

But Kilimanjaro isn’t just about being tall and snowy. It’s like a magical land with different zones, like in a video game! At the bottom, it’s all green and lush with lots of trees and animals. As you go higher, it gets drier, like walking into a desert. And at the very top, it’s icy and cold, like the North Pole!

Climbing Kilimanjaro isn’t just for super-strong adventurers. There are special paths for all kinds of people, even kids! It’s like picking the right level in a video game. So, whether you’re a pro climber or just starting out, there’s a way for you to conquer Kilimanjaro and have the coolest adventure ever!

And when you reach the tippity-top, oh boy! You get to see the most amazing view ever! It’s like being on top of the world, with fluffy clouds below you and the sun rising like a big, warm hug. Climbing Kilimanjaro isn’t just about reaching the top; it’s about having fun, making friends, and creating memories that will last forever

  • Kilimanjaro International Airport
  • Easy to Moderate
  • late June to October and from December to February


Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport, where you'll be greeted by the warm Tanzanian breeze and the promise of adventure. Our team will be waiting to whisk you away to your accommodation in either the bustling town of Moshi or the vibrant city of Arusha, where you'll have the chance to settle in and relax after your journey. Later in the day, you'll gather with your experienced guide and fellow climbers for a comprehensive pre-trek briefing and equipment check. This briefing is crucial for ensuring you're fully prepared for the challenges ahead and have all the necessary gear for a successful climb. As the sun sets over the horizon, take some time to rest and acclimatize to the altitude, soaking in the anticipation of the journey that lies ahead.

After a hearty breakfast, embark on the first leg of your Kilimanjaro adventure as you drive to the Kilimanjaro National Park gate. From here, the real journey begins as you lace up your hiking boots and set foot on the trail, surrounded by the lush greenery of the rainforest. Keep your eyes peeled for glimpses of exotic wildlife and vibrant flora that call this forest home. As the day progresses, you'll gradually ascend to your first campsite, where a delicious meal awaits you. Take in the sounds of the forest as you settle in for the night, the anticipation of the days to come fueling your dreams.

As the sun rises over the horizon, continue your trek through the moorlands, where sweeping vistas of rolling hills and dramatic landscapes unfold before you. Take your time to acclimatize to the increasing altitude, allowing your body to adjust to the changing conditions. By midday, you'll arrive at Horombo Hut, your next campsite, nestled among the rugged terrain. Here, you'll have the chance to relax and soak in the stunning views of Kilimanjaro towering above you, a constant reminder of the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

Today is dedicated to acclimatization, a crucial step in your journey to the summit. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore the surrounding area with short hikes to higher elevations, allowing your body to adjust to the thinner air. Return to the comfort of Horombo Hut for rest and relaxation, where you'll have plenty of time to reflect on the journey so far and prepare mentally for the days ahead. As the sun sets over the horizon, gather around the campfire with your fellow climbers, sharing stories and laughter under the vast African sky.

Bid farewell to Horombo Hut as you continue your ascent through the alpine desert, a stark landscape of rocky terrain and sparse vegetation. With each step, the air grows thinner, and the temperature drops, reminding you of the challenges that lie ahead. By late afternoon, you'll arrive at Kibo Hut, your last camp before the final push to the summit. Take this time to rest and recharge, mentally preparing yourself for the epic journey that awaits you.

Day 6 :
Summit Day

The moment you've been waiting for has arrived – summit day. In the early hours of the morning, under the cover of darkness, begin the arduous ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. Guided by the soft glow of your headlamp and the steady rhythm of your breath, trek through the snow and ice of the summit crater, each step bringing you closer to your goal. As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, you'll stand triumphantly at Uhuru Peak, surrounded by sweeping views of the African continent stretching out before you. Take a moment to savor this incredible achievement before beginning the descent back to lower altitudes.

Day 7 :

With the summit behind you, it's time to begin the journey back down the mountain. Descend from the summit to lower altitudes, retracing your steps to Kibo Hut, where you'll rest briefly before continuing the descent to Horombo Hut. As you make your way down the mountain, take the time to reflect on the incredible journey you've undertaken and the memories you've created along the way. Arrive back at Horombo Hut, where a well-deserved celebration awaits you, surrounded by your fellow climbers and the stunning beauty of Kilimanjaro.

Say goodbye to the tranquility of the mountain as you descend from Horombo Hut to the park gate. Here, you'll receive your summit certificates, a tangible reminder of your incredible achievement. Bid farewell to your guides and fellow climbers before transferring back to your accommodation in Moshi or Arusha. Take this time to relax and reflect on your Kilimanjaro adventure, savoring the memories of the journey that will stay with you forever.

Day 9 :

As your Kilimanjaro adventure comes to an end, it's time to bid farewell to Tanzania and begin your journey home. Depart from Kilimanjaro International Airport or another nearby airport, carrying with you memories of an unforgettable journey and a sense of accomplishment from summiting Mount Kilimanjaro. Reflect on the challenges you've overcome and the friendships you've forged along the way, knowing that you've embarked on an adventure that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Cost Includes

  • Necessary permits and fees for climbing Kilimanjaro.
  • Experienced and licensed guide(s) and porters.
  • Camping equipment (tents, sleeping bags, cooking gear, etc.).
  • Meals and water during the trek.
  • Safety equipment (first aid kit, emergency communication devices, etc.).
  • Transportation to and from the Kilimanjaro National Park gates.
  • Accommodation before and after the trek.
  • Pre-climb briefing and orientation.
  • Support for acclimatization.

Cost Excludes

  • International flights to and from Tanzania.
  • Travel insurance (including medical and evacuation coverage).
  • Personal gear (hiking boots, warm clothing, trekking poles, etc.).
  • Tips for guides, porters, and other support staff.
  • Additional accommodation, meals, and activities outside of the trek.
  • Visa fees (if applicable).
  • Vaccinations and medications.
  • Optional expenses such as souvenirs or additional services not included in the package.
  • Any costs incurred due to unforeseen circumstances such as delays or cancellations.


How tall is Mount Kilimanjaro?

The highest peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak, stands at approximately 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level.

How long does it take to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

The duration of the climb varies depending on the route chosen, but most climbers take between 5 to 9 days to complete the trek.

What should I pack for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

Essential items include proper hiking gear, clothing for varying weather conditions, sleeping bag, water purification tablets, and high-energy snacks.

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Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Kilimanjaro International Airport
  • Easy to Moderate
  • late June to October and from December to February